Produse pentru hering de sushi (12)

Gâtul de vită

Gâtul de vită

Beef gullet, often used in pet food, is prized for its chewy texture and high protein content. It is a unique by-product that provides a valuable source of nutrition. Its versatility makes it a useful ingredient in various applications. At Direct Meat Service Sverige AB, we ensure that each piece of beef gullet is carefully processed to maintain its natural flavor and nutritional value, making it a perfect choice for any culinary enthusiast. Experience the nutritional benefits of our Beef Gullet, a by-product that promises to enhance your culinary creations. This cut is perfect for those who appreciate the art of traditional cooking, offering a rich, robust flavor that is sure to satisfy. Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, this cut offers the perfect balance of taste and nutrition, making it a reliable choice for a delicious meal. Trust in our commitment to quality and enjoy the exceptional taste of our premium beef cuts.
Scoici întregi

Scoici întregi

Coquilles Saint-Jacques de qualité supérieure, soigneusement sélectionnées pour leur taille, fraîcheur et saveur.


Toutes nos huitres sont affinées en claire, ces bassins creusés dans l’argile, alimentés en eau de mer lors des forts coefficients de marée.


Fishing here in Mauritania and available in frozen on board and fresh. Disponible en congelé à bord et frais. Pêché ici en Mauitanie & Dakhla.
Ambalaje pentru produse de mare

Ambalaje pentru produse de mare

Emballages produits de la mer
scoici - fructe de mare

scoici - fructe de mare

Argopecten purpuratus Le bivalve benthique, qui vit dans des zones infralittorales protégées, se trouve sur des fonds sableux avec peu de courant, cependant, il peut aussi se trouver sur des substrats boueux, pierreux ou recouverts de macroalgues. Il est réparti le long de la côte du Pacifique tropical, se trouvant de Corinto, au Nicaragua jusqu'à la région IV au nord du Chili. Au Pérou, les principales berges naturelles sont concentrées dans la baie d'Independencia à Ica et dans la baie de Sechura et les îles Lobos de Tierra à Piura.


Coada de vită

Coada de vită

Beef tail is known for its rich, gelatinous meat, perfect for braising and slow-cooked recipes. It imparts a deep, savory flavor to dishes like oxtail stew. Its unique texture adds an extra dimension to hearty meals. At Direct Meat Service Sverige AB, we ensure that each piece of beef tail is carefully processed to maintain its natural flavor and nutritional value, making it a perfect choice for any culinary enthusiast. Discover the rich taste of our Beef Tail, a cut that promises to elevate your culinary creations. This cut is perfect for those who appreciate the art of slow cooking, allowing the flavors to meld and develop over time. Whether you're a professional chef or a home cook, this cut offers the perfect balance of taste and texture, making it a reliable choice for a delicious meal. Trust in our commitment to quality and enjoy the exceptional taste of our premium beef cuts.
Mullet roșu

Mullet roșu

Mauretanienfisch, der in Mauretanien gefangen wurde, wurde frisch oder gefroren geliefert.
Ton Bonito

Ton Bonito

Disponible en congelé à bord et frais. Pêché ici en Mauitanie & Dakhla. Fishing here in Mauritania and available in frozen on board and fresh.


El pescado mauritano capturado en Mauritania se entrega fresco o congelado. Fishing here in Mauritania and available in frozen on board and fresh.
Pește de mare

Pește de mare

Mauretanienfisch, der in Mauretanien gefangen wurde, wurde frisch oder gefroren geliefert.